
Jurassic Quest roars into Redmond this weekend | Events |

Jurassic Quest, a touring dinosaur experience based in Texas, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. 

A group checks out an animatronic Apatosaurus at the Jurassic Quest exhibit at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center. Fabric Lantern

Jurassic Quest roars into Redmond this weekend | Events |

Jurassic Quest provides a fun and educational adventure for families with interactive experiences including life-size animatronic dinosaurs, rides and fossil digs.

Families take in all the animatronic dinosaurs at the Jurassic Quest exhibit at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center in 2016. 

A group checks out a baby dinosaur at the Jurassic Quest exhibit at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center.

Jurassic Quest, a touring dinosaur experience based in Texas, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. 

Families take in all the animatronic dinosaurs at the Jurassic Quest exhibit at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center in 2016. 

A group checks out a baby dinosaur at the Jurassic Quest exhibit at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center.

Life-size dinosaurs will roam Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center this weekend with Jurassic Quest, a traveling dinosaur museum and fair. Visitors can gawk at an 80-foot-long Apatosaurus, a 60-foot-long Spinosaurus and a life-size Tyrannosaurus rex as they become immersed in a world millions of years old.

Dinosaur expert Marty Hoffman, who goes by Park Ranger Marty, said the show isn’t just entertainment — it’s a gateway science. Young participants with an interest in dinosaurs may soon find themselves delving into the fields of biology, geology or astronomy.

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Jurassic Quest provides a fun and educational adventure for families with interactive experiences including life-size animatronic dinosaurs, rides and fossil digs.

A group checks out an animatronic Apatosaurus at the Jurassic Quest exhibit at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center.

Reporter: 541-383-0304,

Where: Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond

Cost: $26 Adults and standard admission for kids, $43 unlimited admission for kids, $23 seniors

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Jurassic Quest roars into Redmond this weekend | Events |

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